Discount voucher cannot be used at the time of making deposit payments.
This promotion is not valid in conjunction with other promotions or discounts.
Discount voucher can only be redeemed for Kubiq products to the value stated.
The voucher is non-refundable, non-transferable and non-exchangeable for cash or credit.
Discount voucher is not valid after the expiry date. Only original copy of voucher is accepted.
Customer can use this discount voucher to offset their purchases of kitchen cabinet & wardrobe on the spot.
Discount voucher is redeemable upon a minimum qualifying purchase of RM5,000.00 in a single purchase of Kubiq products.
- For example: Every purchase of RM5000, customer will get RM500 discount voucher. If RM10,000.00 will get 2 pcs of RM500 discount voucher.
The voucher must be presented at the time of redemption upon the issuance of the confirmation order (CO) and receipt of full payment for the excess amount for the Kubiq products purchased. The excess amount is to be paid by cash, credit card or cheque.